Getting that first job out of college is often the most challenging search in a career. Landing a position with little to no experience takes time and a well-crafted resume. But now that hunting for a job is almost exclusively digital, your online digital profile needs to be perfected.
Putting your best foot forward has become less about your attire in an interview and more about impressing recruiters with who you are. Create a professional digital profile to show your personal brand to potential employers. Keep reading to learn what a work portfolio is, how you can create one, what to include in it, and how to use it.
What is a work portfolio?
A professional work portfolio, or career portfolio, is a collection of your previous work examples. Your portfolio allows employers to find everything they need to know about you that doesn’t fit on a resume. Work portfolios can come in a variety of formats. Depending on your work, the way you present yourself and your work could vary. Keep reading to find the best way to showcase your work.
Do I need a work portfolio?
Many recent graduates wonder if creating a portfolio is worth their time. While creating a well-designed portfolio is no small feat, creating one will benefit you in most cases.
A portfolio allows you to offer more information to employers than a resume or cover letter ever could. Giving potential employers a look into what you could be doing for their company could even help make you a more competitive candidate.
How to build a career portfolio
Before creating a portfolio, first, consider the best format for your industry.
1. Website
A website is the most versatile way to create a career portfolio. You can create a portfolio with nearly unlimited information without any technical skills with a website.
There are plenty of free website builders for grads who didn’t graduate with any coding experience that will allow you to make a portfolio for free. Most of these sites will even allow you to select from templates, so your career portfolio can look professional without the help of a designer.
2. Video
Try a video if you are looking for a unique way to showcase your skills. Creating a professional portfolio in video format is a great way to show employers your video editing skills.

3. PDF
If your industry is more traditional, try a PDF. Creating a PDF allows for easy sharing digitally or with hard copies. While PDF formatting limits the information you can include, it could be more effective for in-person interviews.
What should be included in a work portfolio?
Your portfolio should uniquely reflect you and your work, but there are a few pieces of information that you should always include in your portfolio.
1. Who you are
Create a quick biography that outlines who you are. Your bio should be a professional, well-written bio, but don’t forget to include some personality. If you really want to show who you are, consider crafting a video introduction.
Don’t forget to include a link, or QR code, to your digital business card. Including your digital card will ensure your contact information is always up to date without ever having to update your portfolio.
2. Past experiences
Make sure to include your resume. While an employer may already have a copy, others might be viewing your portfolio without seeing your resume first.
3. What you’ve done
The main goal of a portfolio is to showcase all that you’ve created. Whether it’s a paper you’ve written for a class, a final project, or something you have done in your spare time, be sure to include it.
How to share your work portfolio with employers
Now that you’ve created your portfolio, what do you do with it?
1. Resume
Recruiters and hiring managers will see your portfolio, so include the link or a QR code on your resume—this will allow easy access to all your work right from your resume.
2. Social
Include a link to your portfolio on your social media accounts. LinkedIn and Facebook are great social media channels to share more professional information.
3. Digital business card
Add it to your digital business card. 85% of jobs are filled through networking, so including your portfolio every time you meet someone could lead to the next big step in your career.
If you don’t already have a digital business card, learn how to make one for free.
4. Applications
Many job applications now have a field to link to your website or portfolio or a spot to include additional information. Even if you already included the link in your resume, never pass up an opportunity to have your work noticed.
Main photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash